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时间:2022-10-24 00:02:22 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2462字


Fall to the ground


地上───On the ground;掉───fall


The workers kneel on the ground and hammer the small stones in.───工人们跪在地上,将小石子锤进去。

I live on the ground floor.───我住在一楼。

A robin was pecking at crumbs on the ground.───一只知更鸟在地上啄食面包渣。

I sat down heavily on the ground beside the road.───我一屁股坐在路边的地上。

I crouched on the ground.───我蹲伏在地上。

Kevin was always level-headed with both feet on the ground.───凯文总是头脑冷静,脚踏实地。

The sunlight is white and blinding, throwing hard-edged shadows on the ground.───阳光明亮刺眼,在地上投下轮廓分明的影子。


The key fell on the ground with a jingle.

A robin was pecking at crumbs on the ground.

She sat on the ground, picking the pictures apart.

The sun dries the moisture on the ground.

The injured man was lying on the ground, moaning.