Secret book
秘本───Secret book
As James Pennebaker of the University of Texas notes in his book, The Secret Life of Pronouns, when people are feeling confident, they are focused on the task at hand, not on themselves.───正如德克萨斯大学的詹姆斯·彭尼贝克在他的书《语言风格的秘密》中指出的那样,当人们感到自信的时候,他们关注的是手头的任务,而不是自己。
Of course, Zhou Ning and his secret book, that is to join an overseas affiliate marketing.───当然,周宁还有他的秘笈,那就是加入海外的联盟营销。
The following few rules contain the secret of correct book-keeping.───以下几条规定包含了正确记账的秘诀。
She pulled out an old, secret book her granny had given her and turned to the very last page.───她拔出了老,秘密预定她的老婆婆给了她并且转向了最后页。
The last of the Essene stragglers buried the secret book in Cave IV at Qumran c. 70 CE.───最后的艾赛尼派游荡者于公元前70年把秘密之书埋藏在库兰的第四洞穴。
Secret book the 2nd action: "Bathe to brush glans with towel, brush Gong Gong, stop again. "───秘籍第2招:“洗澡用毛巾擦龟头,擦到红红的,再停下来。”
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