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时间:2022-10-21 16:05:58 作者:语文迷 字数:2829字






To the south I can see the Jinmao Tower.───在南边我可以看见金茂大厦。

Jinmao Company integrated product development, designing, production, sales and services into a whole.───金锚公司集产品研发、生产、销售服务于一体。

I'd like to visit the Jinmao Building.───我想参观金贸大厦。

'We had a good relationship. When I cooked, he would stand here, smoke and chat, ' said Hu Jinmao, a neighbor for several years.───唐永明几年前的邻居胡金茂(音)表示,我们从前关系不错,当我做饭时,他会在一旁抽烟、聊天。

A man sits at the top of the Jinmao Tower, overlooking a city shrouded in pollution.───一位男士坐在金茂大厦顶楼,俯瞰着在污染的空气中变得模糊的城市。

All those winking electric colours ; all those pulsing rainbow-phalluses that are Jinmao's junior or rival skyscrapers .───放眼望去,全是闪烁的电子色彩,尽是比金茂大厦低一些或相近高度摩天大楼的七彩灯光。


SPR coffee, Jinmao ucc coffee and coffee shops are a good choice, but also my first two appointments, and his place.

Nederland can also claim to be the only 'Dutch' village with a view (on clear sky days) to the Shanghai World Financial Center, Jinmao Tower and Pearl Tower.