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时间:2022-10-20 16:02:05 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2624字


Take a chance




He was none the worse for his adventure.───他经历这件惊险事倒没受到伤害.

Would you care for some tea, or even a light meal, to fortify yourself before your adventure?───你要不要喝点儿茶,或吃点儿便餐,好在冒险之前增加一点儿体力?

Stories of adventure thrilled him.───冒险小说使他激动.

His adventure made an interesting narrative.───他的冒险是个有趣的故事.

I had a singular adventure.───我曾经历过一次奇特的冒险.

His early training predisposed him to a life of adventure.───他早年所受的训练使他易于接受冒险生活.

He recounted and adorned his adventure.───他叙述了他那不寻常的经历,多少有点渲染.

He has adventure in his blood.───他天生具备冒险基因。


You are my most adventure youth dream.

I suppose I was looking for an occupation which was going to be an adventure.

Popper described science as the greatest adventure in the world.

I related my adventure to my family.

It is foolish to haphazardly adventure.