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时间:2022-10-20 12:04:26 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2752字


He is an actor




She was a consummate performer.───她是个技艺非凡的表演者。

The performer received only pitying looks from his audience.───从观众的表情看,那表演者得到的只是同情和怜悯.

He is a world class performer.───他是位世界级的表演者。

Desire is the ingredient that makes the difference between an average performer and a champion.───欲望就是这样的精髓:它造就了一个普通的运动员和一个冠军的不同.

Until 1987, Canada's industry had been the star performer.───直到1987年,加拿大的工业一直成就斐然。

She's a seasoned concert performer.───她是富有经验的音乐会演奏家.

Guo Degang has become a crosstalk performer familiar to every one of us.───郭德刚已成为一位我们大家熟悉的相声演员.

The performer juggled with knives and swords.───表演者耍弄刀剑.


He is a world class performer.

The president was a polished television performer.

The musical theater company is about to launch a new performer on the musical world.

A performer in evening dress plays classical selections on the violin.

The performer received only pitying looks from his audience.