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时间:2022-10-20 08:01:48 作者:语文迷 字数:2503字


New couple


夫妇───couple;新人───new people


It's only a couple blocks away.───那地方离这里只有几个街区。

Her cheeks began to fill out after she'd been in the convalescent hospital for a couple of months.───在疗养院养了两个月以后,她的脸渐渐变圆了.

I'll be ready in a couple of shakes.───我马上就准备好.

Let's put it off for a couple of days.───这事缓几天再说.

They were an odd-looking couple.───这对夫妇长相奇特。

The couple married in the Caribbean to avoid a media circus.───为了摆脱媒体的关注,这对新人在加勒比喜结连理。

He used a couple of bolsters to elevate his head.───他用两个垫枕垫头.

To a devoted couple even water tastes sweet.───人好水也甜.


Mason went home for a couple of hours' kip.

A Russian couple have just moved in next door.

It is not every couple that is a pair.

I have a couple of things to do now.

The old couple lived a life of ease.