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时间:2022-10-19 20:02:17 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2647字


Fetal child


胎孩───Fetal child


If a pregnant woman contracts hepatitis b, the virus can infect her unborn child by getting into the fetal bloodstream.───如果怀孕妇女感染B型肝炎,这种病毒能感染胎儿进入胎儿的血液。

An alcoholic mother may have a handicapped and stunted child with fetal alcohol syndrome, which is due to the effects of ethanol and malnutrition on fetal development.───母亲酗酒时,儿童出生后可能因胎儿酒精中毒综合征造成残疾或侏儒症,其原因是酒精和营养不良影响胎儿发育。

It's well known that fetal alcohol syndrome occurs when pregnant women drink excessively and causes behavioural and physical harm to the child after birth.───众所周知,孕妇饮酒过度会导致胎儿出现酒精综合征,引发孩子出生后的行为和身体损伤。

The ligaments of the lumbar intervertebral foramina were studied in 20 fetal, child and adult spine specimens.───用胎儿、儿童及成人脊柱标本,共20例,研究腰部椎间孔韧带。


The ligaments of the lumbar intervertebral foramina were studied in 20 fetal, child and adult spine specimens.