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时间:2022-10-19 16:05:39 作者:语文迷 字数:2877字






I didn't see how the committee could handle it, but it wasn't my funeral.───我不知道委员会如何处理这个问题, 但这可不是我的事儿.

Of the funeral he remembered only the cold, the waiting, and feeling very lost.───关于葬礼,他只记得那冷冷的天,那久久的等候和那种茫然若失的感觉。

He had nothing to do with arranging the funeral, but came along to pay his last respects.───他不是来筹备葬礼的,只是过来向遗体告别的。

He asked for no funeral oration.───他不要人在葬礼上宣读悼词.

His savings were just enough to pay for a respectable funeral.───他的存款刚好够办一个体面的葬礼.

Tchaikovsky was given a state funeral—the first commoner to be granted this honour.───柴可夫斯基得到了国葬待遇——他是首位获此殊荣的平民。

A funeral wake was in progress.───葬礼前在守灵。

He had to bring forward an 11 o'clock meeting so that he could get to the funeral on time.───他不得不把11点的会议提前,这样他就可以准时赶去参加葬礼。


Funeral customs vary with different religions.

Glen was calm and composed at the funeral.

A funeral procession filled the street.

Her bright clothes were not appropriate for a funeral.

The funeral will be held at St. Martin's Church.