Writing bottle
He untwisted the wire off the champagne bottle, and the cork popped and shot to the ceiling.───他拧掉香槟瓶上的铁丝封口,瓶塞砰的一声直冲天花板。
As I sidestepped, the bottle hit me on the left hip.───我侧一步要躲闪的时候,瓶子打中了我的左髋部。
One dip into the bottle should do an entire nail.───往瓶子里蘸一下的量就应该能涂满整个指甲。
Pour milk out of the bottle into the glass.───把牛奶从瓶子里倒到玻璃杯里去.
a bottle of expensive perfume───一瓶昂贵的香水
She went into a coma after swallowing a whole bottle of sleeping pills.───她吃了一整瓶安眠药后就昏迷过去了.
The glass bottle is the shape of a woman's torso.───玻璃杯呈女子身体的形状。
Turn the bottle upside down to empty it before you fill it with oil.───把瓶子先控一控再装油.
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