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时间:2022-10-19 12:02:15 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2644字


One in a yellow skirt




Some fog warning signs had been put up with flashing yellow lights.───一些配有黄色闪光灯的大雾警示标志立了起来。

Red, yellow and orange are called warm colours.───红 、 黄、橙称为暖色.

The flowers are bronzy in bud and bright yellow when open.───这些花的花蕾是青铜色,开放后呈明黄色。

She was dressed in yellow.───她穿着黄衣服。

The petals can be cooked with rice to colour it yellow.───可以把这些花瓣跟米饭一起煮,使米饭变成黄色。

Crowds of French and British families plodded around in yellow plastic macs.───成群结队的法国和英国家庭穿着黄色塑料雨衣步履沉重地走来走去。

Yellow is a cheerful colour.───黄色是令人高兴的颜色.

A yellow tongue of flame shot upwards.───一条黄色的火舌直冲上天。


Sentencedict.com try its best to collect and make good sentences.

The lectern was draped in yellow silk sheets.

Look, double yellow lines you mustn't park here.

We papered the room yellow.

Yellow doesn't suit me at all.