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时间:2022-10-18 16:02:02 作者:星火作文 字数:2898字


Solitary attachment


孤───solitary;执───Hold on to


All I could hear was the steady clacking of a solitary typewriter.───我所能听到的一切是一部孤零零的打字机不断发出的噼啪声.

He seemed to be a naturally solitary person, troubling himself about only a few friends.───他似乎天生就是独行侠,不愿费神多交几个朋友。

A solitary viola plucks a lonely, soft F sharp.───一把中提琴独自奏出了一个寂寞柔和的升F调。

Meanwhile, the study and master a target language is not a solitary phenomenon.───同时, 目的语的学习与掌握不是一种孤零零的语言现象.

At daybreak Jesus went out to a solitary place.───天亮的时候、耶稣出来、走到旷野的地方.

He went out, fighting his sadness over this solitary life.───他走出门口, 竭力抑制住自己因独居生活引起的哀伤.

A solitary hunched figure emerged from Number Ten.───一个缩头弓身的孤独身影从唐宁街10号出来了。

She enjoys long solitary walks.───她喜欢独自长距离散步。


He led a solitary life.

A solitary man, it was perhaps fitting that he should have died alone.

The benches were empty except for a single solitary figure.

She leads a very solitary life.

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