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时间:2022-10-18 12:00:39 作者:语文迷 字数:2638字


There's money


有钱了───There's money


Make sure there's money in your market.───确定在你所在的市场里有钱可赚。

There's money to be made after sun up.───太阳升起后还要赚钱。


You know, classic sort of economics: There's money to be made when you can remove friction from transactions.───经济学有一条颠扑不破的真理:如果能减少交易中的阻力,就有钱可赚。

There's money to be made from poverty. That may sound uncharitable , especially at this time of year.───贫穷给有些行业带来了赚钱的机会,这听起来是无情的,特别是在今年这个时候。

Still, if the ticket price is right and there's money to be made, these problems may be surmountable.───当然,如果票价合理且有钱可赚,这些问题也许能够解决。


Experts and city officials agree there's money to be made in the casino business.

There's money in sport these days.

And there's money in it.

I love airline food and further suspect that there's money in it somewhere.

And there's money in being the best.