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时间:2022-10-17 20:03:47 作者:语文迷 字数:2809字


I'm going to play


去玩───Go play;要───want


Or go play tennis.───或者去打网球。

Let's go play basketball at the gym?.───我们去体育馆打篮球吧。

Go play with your friends.───去和你的朋友一起玩吧。

We did that for a while, then took a break to go play on the swings which is always fun in the snow, then we went back to sledding again.───我们玩了一会儿“滑雪梯”后休息了一下,接着又去坐了好玩的雪地秋千,然后又去画雪橇。

Then you get to the point where you realize, "What the f*ck am I doing? " and you turn off the computer to go play with your kids.───当你达到你意识到“他妈的,我现在干的是什么呀”的时候时,关掉电脑,去和你的孩子们一起玩耍。

Years later, Lelouch is in high school, but regularly skips out of school to go play chess and gamble on himself.───年后的今天,路许是一位高中生,但经常跳过辍学去下棋和赌。


Go play in the golfing version of the Special Olympics.

Let's go play after you finish eating.

Hooray ! Hooray ! Let's all go play.

Why don't you go play with that little boy over there?

As the stags go play they sustain this tone, especially in the humourless hauteur of Graham Fellows's excellent Tybalt.