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时间:2022-10-17 20:02:07 作者:星火作文 字数:2763字


Linda finds it interesting to work at the radio station


琳达───linda;广播电台───broadcasting station


She figures that I'm not right for Linda.───她认为我配不上琳达.

Linda lay face down on a living room couch, nibbling popcorn.───琳达趴在客厅的一张沙发上,小口吃着爆米花。

Ladies and gentleman, this is Linda Liszt.───各位先生 、 女士,我是琳达?莉丝特.

Linda spends all her time working on the garden.───琳达用所有的时间在那座花园里劳作。

Linda remained on the telephone to the police for three hours.───琳达在电话里和警察谈了3个小时。

Linda, turn down the record player. I'm trying to read.───琳达, 把电唱机关小声点, 我想看书.

She and Linda became very close.───她和琳达变得非常亲密。

Linda Gradstein has this report from Jerusalem, which was cleared by an Israeli censor.───琳达·格拉德斯坦的这份报道来自耶路撒冷,它已经通过了以色列方面的审查。


I don't want Linda to hear about this.

Linda speaks as if she were a boss.

Linda and her fiance were there.

Linda spends all her time working on the garden.

According to what he said, Linda should be responsible for the case.