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时间:2022-10-16 04:02:32 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2746字


No reward




He deserves a reward for his efforts.───他积极努力,值得奖赏.

This is seen as a reward for the army's loyalty during a barracks revolt earlier this month.───此举被视为是对在本月初一场军营叛变中表现忠心不贰的军队的奖赏。

The reward money was apportioned among those who worked very hard.───奖金分给那些努力工作的人.

The goal was just reward for their decision to attack constantly in the second half.───这粒进球正是他们决定在下半场连续进攻的回报。

Current employment laws will be changed to reward effort and punish laziness.───现行雇佣法要变,要奖勤罚懒。

I didn't do it for reward; I did it for love.───我做这件事不是为了报酬, 而是 出于爱好.

Reward is an inducement effort.───报酬使人们努力工作.

Jenkins would reward all investors, no matter when they made their investment.───无论投资人何时投资,詹金斯都会让他们得到回报。


The reward of suffering is experience.

He deserves a reward for his efforts.

You deserve a reward for being so helpful.

She was not the intended recipient of the reward.

Virtue is its own reward.