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时间:2022-10-15 16:02:21 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2603字


Stop killing


杜绝杀戮───Stop killing


People must stop killing animals.───人们必须停止杀死动物。

STOP KILLING MY KIDS.───停止杀害我的孩子们。

Please stop killing the seals right now.───请立即停止杀害海豹的行为!

Our National Congress should introduce a bill, demanding American troops to stop killing Iraqi people and to get out of Iraq territory.───中国人大应通过决议,强烈要求美国军队停止屠杀伊拉克人民,强烈要求美国军队撤出伊拉克。

It might be impossible for men to stop killing each other and get united in their efforts against forces that threatens all human beings.───对于让人们停止互相杀害,团结他们的力量反对威胁所有人类力量是不可能的。

Finally he asked every body to stop killing the milu deer and said that animals are living beings too and to love animals is to love us.───最后,他要求所有人停止捕杀麋鹿,他还说动物也是生物,爱动物就是爱我们自己。


We could decide to stop killing each other for a few days and then start again.