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时间:2022-10-15 16:00:42 作者:星火作文 字数:2608字


I trust you


我相信你───I trust you


I trust you to do a good job for Stan's sake.───我相信你会为了斯坦把工作做好。

I trust you not to repeat that to anyone else.───我相信你不会把这事告诉别人。

No in good hands. I trust you.───不用了,你会得很好, 我相信你.

I trust you completely," he said.───我完全信任你。”他说。

I trust you not to repeat that to anyone else.───我相信你不会把我的话告诉别人。

I trust you to do a good job for Stan's sake.───我拜托你看在斯坦的份上好好干。

Having gone through all these things, how can I trust you again?───经历了所有这些事情以后, 让我怎么能再相信你 呢 ?

I trust you've been well, and all is fine with the governor?───你 知道我一直都很信任你, 特使先生还好 吧 ?


Can I trust you to do this work well?

I trust you have no objections to our proposals?

I trust you to do a good job for Stan's sake.

I trust you will take the earliest opportunity to make a full apology.

Can I trust you to post this letter?