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时间:2022-10-15 12:02:09 作者:美篇推荐 字数:3081字






So why is it that we love to pucker up?───那么,我们为什么那么喜欢把嘴撅起来呢?

Problem A common problem with this method is getting the pucker over the hole.───问题二:这个方法的共同的问题是在琴孔上(嘴唇要收缩)折叠(起来)得到.

Duplicate the layer . from filter menu select liquify . Select pucker tool from the tool bar.───复制层,在滤镜菜单中选择液化,点击挤压工具.

But she , with a pucker in her brows, was watching Rhett.───可思嘉正蹙着眉头在看瑞德.

You gotta pucker up your lips, like this . Hm.───你必须撅起你的双唇, 就像这样.

Tension must be correct and must not pucker.───缝线张力必须正确,不能起皱.

I used a combination of the pen tool, simple shapes, and the pucker and bloat filter to create mine.───我使用的组合钢笔工具,简单的形状,以及折叠和膨胀过滤器,创建矿。

See them pout, frown and pucker in the mirror and you'll soon find that the differences between two women are more than simply geographical.───看着她们在镜子里嘟嘴、皱皱眉、做各种表情,你很快就会发现,这两个女人之间的差别不仅仅是地理上的。


You need to pucker up more, like this.

Suddenly, someone yells in the distance, "PUCKER UP!"

I find a zig-zag tends to pucker the fabric, but this may differ with makes of sewing machine.

A small fold or pucker made by gathering cloth.

High resiliency, easy to pucker and non - brittleness.