Positive upward
Sylvia does not get on with the supervisor and the danger is that he will trump up some charge to discredit her.───西尔维亚与主管人相处得不好,因而害怕他会捏造一些罪名使她名誉扫地.
They have fastened up all the parcels.───他们把这些包裹都捆扎好了.
Why do you leave all the hard work up to your mother?───你为什么把所有难做的事都留给你母亲?
We'll never get there if he doesn't speed up.───如果他不快些走,我们一定到不了那里.
Have you finished loading up yet?───你把货物装好了 吗 ?
He was rigged up to a machine so that the nurses could check his heartbeat.───他身上连接了机器让护士检查心跳.
Tourism is up, jobs are up, individual income is up.───旅游火了,职位多了,个人收入涨了。
A wagon trundled up the road.───运货车沿着路艰难地向上移动.
英语使用场景 b>