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时间:2022-10-15 08:05:03 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2684字






Enhance your sci-fi, cyberpunk, industrial, urban, space environments with some action.───提高你的科幻,赛博朋克,工业,城市,一些行动的空间环境。

Their music is built around deep, droning tones and thundering rhythms and cyberpunk themes.───他们的音乐由浑厚 、 懒散的音调和雷鸣般的节拍组成,主题则是科幻.

I thought it was Cyberpunk.───我以为是朋克。

It is a text based adventure game in Python with cyberpunk theme.───这个基于文本的派森冒险游戏带着科幻的主题。


Ghost in the Shell is a Japanese cyberpunk manga created by Masamune Shirow, and first published in 1989.

Like Cyberpunk, there is an emphasis on the technology and culture of the material world as shown through and alternate present or future.

Its plot reads like something out of a cyberpunk novella, which in and of itself, would probably make for interesting tech geek viewing.

Snow Crash. Neal Stephenson. The first cyberpunk novel to feature a Matrix with personality and the first hints of virtual reality.

It takes the cyberpunk circus routines of Archaos and gives then a high-tech edge.