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时间:2022-10-15 00:04:03 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2824字


September 28th


九月二十八号───September 28th


September 28th is his birthday.───9月28日是他的生日。

The museum is new, inaugurated on September 28th 2007.───博物馆是新建成的——2007年9月28日完成的落成仪式。

Many people will think of Confucius, whose birthday was September 28th.───许多人会想到孔子,他的生日是9月28日。

When Brian responded to my ad on the 28th of September, I had no idea what I was getting myself into by arranging to meet in person.───当九月二十八日布赖恩回我的征婚启事时,我根本不知道安排见面会给我带来什么结果。

"CHANGE is going to come, " a hoarse Barack Obama insisted in Madison, Wisconsin on September 28th.───9月28日,奥巴马在威斯康星首府麦迪逊用沙哑的声音说到:“变革即将到来。”

THERE was much wailing and gnashing of teeth among liberal commentators after Austria's election on September 28th.───9月28日奥地利大选后,自由主义评论家中间的哀哭切齿声不绝于耳。


Mr Tanigaki won 300 of the 499 votes cast in the LDP’s internal election on Monday September 28th.

On September 28th, after more than four years' work on a 307km-long (191-mile) waterway costing more than $2 billion, Beijing began receiving its top-up.