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时间:2022-10-14 00:04:29 作者:趣历史 字数:2679字


Online pre sale


预售───Pre sale;网上───online


And this is just two days after the initial pre-sale.───而这还仅仅是预售之后两天的情况。

winning bid rose above five million dollars after taxes and fees were included, far surpassing pre-sale estimates of one to two million dollars.───各种税费之后,中标价格超过500万美元,远远超出了拍卖前估计的100至200万美元。

price, paid by a telephone bidder, was almost six times the highest pre-sale estimate.───一名通过电话竞拍的买主以拍前最高估价近6倍的价格将其买下。

Second, the system of pre-sale contract registration should be perfected to coordinate the conflict of the interests among the parties.───第二,健全商品房预售预告登记制度,以协调相关主体间的权益冲突;

The company has a sound set of pre-sale, sale, after-sales service to ensure that the user can rest assured that the use of the purchase.───公司拥有一整套完善的售前、售中、售后办事,确保用户购买后可以放心使用。

First of all, clearly defined laws and regulations on pre-sale of the legal nature of real estate mortgage.───首先,从法律法规上明确界定预售商品房按揭的法律性质。
