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时间:2022-10-13 20:01:04 作者:趣历史 字数:2764字


Introducing Sushi




They love eating sushi.───他们喜欢吃寿司。

In which restaurant would you typically find sushi?───通常在哪种餐厅可以找到[寿司]?

In Beijing, which has sold do seaweed sushi use and shutter and green chunks of mustard?───在北京哪有卖做寿司用的海苔紫菜还有卷帘和绿芥末膏的 呢 ?

They'll be fattened for the sushi market, where their buttery meat fetches high prices.───他们将养肥为寿司市场, 他们的黄油肉类带来高价格.

LL: All right , all right on. Let's go get some sushi tonight!───别这么 小气 好不好. 我们都好久 没 出去吃了,一次寿司肯定不会把你吃穷的.

Waiter : Im sorry. Sir our sushi chef went home sick, would you mind filling in?───不好意思, 先生,我们的寿司厨师生病了, 你能代替他的位置 吗 ?

Sushi, the Japanesefish dish, may be garnished with baran, a type of plastic grass or leaf.───寿司, 日式鱼菜肴, 可能用巴兰作装饰, 一种塑料材质的草或树叶.

Japanese sushi and Vietnamese spring rolls have become as American as pie.───日本寿司和越南春卷都已经变成像苹果派一样的美国食品了.


I came to like sushi.