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时间:2022-10-13 00:04:01 作者:语文迷 字数:3045字


Q & A


问答───Q & A


Ah Q would rise to the bait as usual, and glare furiously.───阿Q照例地发了怒, 他怒目而视了.

You have been engaging me in this Q&A for the past year.───过去的一年里你们一直都在让我参与这种问答。

The children were told to mind their P's and Q's.───孩子们被嘱应小心谨慎.

Q comes between P and R in the English alphabet.───英语字母表中,Q在P和R之间。

Make sure you get here p.d.q.───你马上给我赶到这儿来。

So there are too many Q&A sites, such as Yahoo Answers, Live.com Q&A, Yedda, Answerbag, Askville, etc..───现在有相当多问答式网站,如雅虎答案,live.com 问答,Yedda, Answerbag,Askville 等。

Standard text - books of polymer sciences contain tables of Q - e values.───聚合物科学的规范教科书中有一些Q-e值表格.

An ideal q in ring A is primary.───环A中的理想q是准素的.


Q: A Japanese official was quoted as saying that a Chinese scientific research vessel conducted maritime survey in Japan's Exclusive Economic Zone without Tokyo's approval.

What can we learn about us and our state from this catechism Q & A ?

Q, a sharp twentysomething, set the ball rolling by applying the lessons of club culture to literature.

Q: A friend told me that if I buy a computer, I should make sure it has 256K of cache.

Q: A few years ago Microsoft used a code name of Longhorn for the operating system which ultimately was released as 'Vista.'