It must be quickly and sternly repressed.───此事自应迅速予以严厉的制裁.
In their sternly restricted fact life they remained as of old -- plodding, diligent, careful , practical , economical.───在处处受到制约的现实生活中,他们仍然像往日那样 —— 艰难度日 、 克勤克俭 、 小心翼翼 、 脚踏实地.
He has very sternly admonished student.───他十分严厉地训诫了学生.
Hester would not set him free, lest he should look her sternly in the face.───海丝特不肯放松他, 以免看见他盯望着她面孔的那种严厉表情.
The pass was sternly defended for the necessary three days by the 5 th New Zealand Brigade.───第五新西兰旅在该山口死守了三天,这是必须据守的三天.
You stay here, while we take the rubbish away," said the lady sternly.───你留在这里,我们把垃圾带走。”罗特麦耶小姐严厉地说。
His face was sternly set with all its old force and strength.───他的面容坚定,显示出来的威力和韧性不减当初.
He sternly admonished the students who had violated the school rules.───他十分严厉地训诫了违犯校规的学生们.
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