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时间:2022-10-12 12:04:15 作者:星火作文 字数:2473字


Weak master




That's my weak point.───这正是我的弱点.

She is not so weak as she looks.───她并不像看上去那么虚弱.

Matt is weak and dependent, but you love him all the same.───马特软弱无能且依赖性强,但我们照样爱他。

Two divisions were ordered up to strengthen a weak point in the line.───两个师被调到前线去加强一个薄弱环节.

a weak and indecisive man───软弱而且不果断的人

The excellent acting wasn't enough to redeem a weak plot.───精彩的表演不足以掩盖情节的拙劣。

She has a weak [ good ] digestion.───她的消化力弱 [ 强 ].

Skiing remained the weak spot of the Chinese team.───滑雪仍是中国队的弱项.


Every man has his weak side.

Skiing is inadvisable if you have a weak heart.

The prisoner's defence was rather weak.

She has an unerring instinct for people's weak spots.

He was a weak little mouse of a man.