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时间:2022-10-11 12:05:11 作者:学习啦 字数:2406字


White circle


白圜───White circle


Dumpling and white circle, look to drool.───汤圆又白又圆,看起来使人垂涎欲滴。

A dark disk covers the rest of the Sun, and a white circle represents the Sun's surface.───一片黑色的光环覆盖在太阳剩余的部分,一圈白色的光环呈现在太阳的表面。

The flag was red, with a large white circle in the centre.───那面旗子是红色的,中间有一个白色的大圆圈。

The aim is to pick out any of the Gabor patches that fall in the same place as the white circle.───训练的目的是让参与者选出那些落在和白色圆圈同一位置的伽伯补丁。

You can click the blue circle to reset a property to its default value, which is indicated by a white circle.───可以单击蓝色的圆将属性重置为它的默认值(由白色的圆表示)。


The flag was red, with a large white circle in the center.