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时间:2022-10-11 12:02:36 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:3108字


Love and deep love


深爱───Love deeply;喜欢───like


Someone you love deeply is brutally murdered and you know thethe murderer, would you seek revenge?───你深爱的人被残酷的谋杀了,你知道凶手是谁, 你会报仇 么 ?

Ever, I love deeply most of girl, I deeply of wish you.───曾经, 我最深爱的女孩, 我深深的祝福你.

Love deeply despite the possibility of loss.───尽管可能会失去还是要深爱。

I hope these you HAs to love deeply abundance or youHAs to love any clothes, ok?───你就多疼我一点也喜欢上这一部分衣服吧, 好不好嘛?

Ever, I love deeply most of girl, I silently think of you.───曾经, 我最深爱的女孩, 我深深的想念(THINK是 不是想写MISS)你.

I know we can love deeply, tenderly and lastingly.───我知道我们能够爱得深切.爱得温柔. 并且爱得持久.

Eventually you love deeply.───你们最终爱的深切。

Love deeply and ardently, even if there is pain.───深切地狂热的去爱, 即使会有伤痛.


Celebrant and Sandy, may you love deeply, laugh heartily, practice patience and smile often.

Next, when you can't wait loving or being loved, I mean love deeply and ardently, you're gonna establish a family, set up a business and play mom or dad card.

The harmonica love deeply a piano, expression love but encounter brush-off , the harmonica roar loud:Why?All of all these is why?

Love deeply and ardently, even if there is pain.

The snake love deeply tortoise, expression love but encounter brush-off , the snake roar loud:Why?All of all these is why?