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时间:2022-10-10 16:01:30 作者:趣历史 字数:2455字


Out of the big net


大网───Big net;走出───walk out


The crew pulls out a big net on a pole. Jump in, Dog!───船员们伸出一根套着大网的杆子。跳进来,小狗!

The rain is like a big net, hanging in front of my eyes.───雨点连在一起像一张大网,挂在我的眼前。

There is a big net over the lake to stop the ducks from flying away.───有一个在湖大网,阻止鸭子飞走。

I wanna throw my big net into the deep blue ocean of English and see what marvelous creatures I can drag up from the bottom.───我要在英语这个深蓝的海洋里撒上我的大网,看可以从海里捕到什么珍异的海产。

There is no rain attacks, grape plantation owners still have to zhang up big net protection grapes.───没有雨水的侵袭,葡萄种植园主还得张起大网保护葡萄。

A subject is hoisted 150 up in the air and then dropped (hopefully) onto a big net.───一名参试者被悬挂在150尺高的空中,然后自由落回到一个大网里(希望不是落到外边)。
