The original novel
An unlimited number of copies can still be made from the original.───仍可以由原件复印出无数份副本来。
It is below the original sample.───这比原样差.
Most local cinemas show films in the original language, with German subtitles.───大多数当地影院放映配上德语字幕的原版电影.
Any faults in the original cider stood out sharply after distillation.───原先苹果酒里的任何杂质在蒸馏后都会凸现出来。
If I've hurt your feelings, it was not my original intention.───如果我伤害了你的感情, 那不是我的本意.
They are seeking to build a faithful recreation of the original Elizabethan theatre.───他们正在试图如实再现伊丽莎白时期剧院的原貌。
Why couldn't he say something original instead of spouting the same old platitudes?───他为什么就不能讲些有新意的话,而不是喋喋不休地说些老生常谈呢?
The original furnishings are now in need of replacement.───原来的家具陈设需要更换了.
Who was the original owner of this house?
The imitation hardly matches up to the original.
The room still has many of its original features.
The original interior of the hotel has been replaced.
The Court of Appeal overturned the original ruling.