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时间:2022-10-08 12:03:58 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2433字


Wearing clothes


衣服───clothes;穿着───be dressed in


Warm clothes are a must in the mountains.───到山区去穿暖和的衣服是必须的.

My clothes are drenched with sweat.───衣服都溻了.

These clothes should be put out to air on a sunny day.───这些衣服好天儿要拿出去晒晒.

He hastily stuffed a few clothes into a bag.───他匆匆地把几件衣服塞进一个包.

She packaged up the old clothes and put them in the closet.───她把旧衣服包成一包放到衣橱里.

Dark clothes do not show the dirt.───深色衣服不显脏.

His clothes were covered in dirt.───他的衣服沾满了污垢。

Wet clothes cling to the body.───湿衣服贴身.


The clothes line is pulled taut and secured.

Truth hath a good face, but ill clothes.

Clothes maketh the man.

Her preference is for comfortable rather than stylish clothes.

The British guards searched his clothes.