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时间:2022-10-07 16:05:20 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2422字


Number of generations


世数───Number of generations


Later ancestors lived on land and stayed there for a very large number of generations.───后来的祖先生活在陆地上,并在那里居住了一代又一代。

You pick the number of generations.───您来挑选代的数目。

of wasp declines as the number of generations of artificial breeding increases, Fin…───对人工繁殖的玉米螟长距茧蜂生活力较低的原因也进行了分析讨论。

Gets the maximum number of generations the system currently supports.───获取系统当前支持的最大代数。

Olympic Games, how many generations have in the hearts of burnt hope that once the number of generations in the hands of a dream transfer.───奥运,曾经在多少代人的心中燃烧过希望,曾经在多少代人的手中传递了梦想。

Mother, ah, you have condensed the number of generations of suffering, bitterness, and blood and tears.───母亲呀,你曾凝结着多少代人的痛苦、辛酸和血泪。
