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时间:2022-10-07 04:03:44 作者:星火作文 字数:3009字






Uncle Ke - ting and Aunt Wang were the most boisterous of the lot.───闹得最起劲的是五 叔 克定和四婶王氏.

Ke - ting looked at him uncomprehendingly.───克定回过头看了他一眼,不大明白他的意思.

Though Ke Jie tried his best and he once saw the victory just a step away, he lost his best chance when he became excited.───尽管柯洁尽了自己最大的努力,他曾经看到胜利就在咫尺之遥,但当他变得兴奋时,他失去了最好的机会。

Tieh can move in with the Tang family. It's quite safe there,'suggested Ke - ming .───爹可以到唐家去, 那儿很安全, ” 克明 提议说.

What's keeping Ke Tso - fu , I wonder?───怎么老克还不来!

A KBS is developed using knowledge engineering ( KE ) techniques.───KBS 的开发使用知识工程技术.

My name is Rick.(wo shi Li Ke).───我叫Rick (我是李柯)。

" Uncle Ke - ting and his friends enjoyed themselves , and the dragon dancers got their money.───五舅他们得到了满足, 玩龙灯的人得到了赏钱.


David Chan Ke strategic experts may think in terms of price and non - price competition.

Ke Tso - fu turned his head slightly and looked expectantly at Chen Yueh - ngo.

Ke Tso - fu sat tight - lipped and silent, adamant as ever.

C. Meng Ke said shamefacedly, "Please pardon me, mother."

Sold his clothes, the Qian Ke that changes is redemptive a plantation is adscititious two watch.