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时间:2022-10-06 20:00:24 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2934字






Sentence is right Lingzhi eyes moist, a single person in the field, has never been so concerned about her.───一句话说得凌芝眼睛潮湿了,独身一人在外地,从来没有人这么关心过她。

effects of Compound Lingzhi Jiangtang Capsule on experimental diabetes were studied.───复方灵芝降糖胶囊(灵芝、黄芪、三七等组成)治疗糖尿病的药理作用。

Lingzhi thought he had no fast month of each other with their own skin.───凌芝想到他已经快一个月没有同自己肌肤相亲了。

Stop by Lingzhi Tea House before your crazy shopping at Core Pacific City. This giant shopping mall is the biggest and latest one in Taipei.───下午到灵芝茶艺馆了解深山灵芝的生长及茗茶后,再往台北最大最新的京华城购物中心游览及购物。

Some has several years specialty to be engaged in medicine edible fungus development and so on the Lingzhi scientific research team.───有一支具有十几年专业从事灵芝等药食用菌开发的科研团队。

papaya, apples, beans, American Ginseng, Lingzhi, green tea, Puerarin.───木瓜、苹果、大豆、西洋参、灵芝、绿茶、葛根。


Lingzhi Spores is the fine powdery seeds of Lingzhi mushroom.

Conclusions The Lingzhi decoction is very effective to protect rat's kidney damaged by russula subnigricans.

Lingzhi Spores Powde include cracked and uncracked.