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时间:2022-10-05 08:01:55 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2738字






Anchoring at the Anchorage NO . 1 in Inner Port Area.───船舶在内港一号锚地锚泊.

She has retained her No.1 world ranking.───她保住了自己世界第一的排名。

Conclusion The pulmonary accumulation No.1, has the obvious role of anti - tumor growth.───结论肺积1号方具有明显的 抗肿瘤 生长的作用.

Alkali industry accounted for the volume of commodity Yelu: No.1 place .───占氯碱工业商品液 氯量 的第1位.

Translation is the No. 1 barrier to English mastery!───翻译是突破英语的最大敌人!

String Quartet No.1 in G minor , Op . 10 : III. Andantino doucement expressly.───德彪西: 弦乐四重奏, 作品10——小行板乐章.

Ranked No.1 : the many things that are very demanding person.───排在 第1: 对很多事都要求很高的人.

The student guides in Sanya No.1 Middle School aregood at English.───三亚一中的学生导游英语学得很好.


She has retained her No.1 world ranking.

There is a case on in Courtroom No 1.

France was the No. 1 purchaser of Iraqi oil.

Britain's tennis No 1 yesterday overpowered American Brian Garrow 7-6, 6-3.

That year he was named the nation's No. 1 college football star.