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时间:2022-10-04 00:00:50 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2431字


Soft and clean


柔洁───Soft and clean


scented lather to keep baby's skin and hari beautifully soft and clean.───泡沫和清香让你的宝宝皮肤和头发保持美丽柔滑和干净。

Excellent clean and whitening formula, soft and clean skin, soften and remove aging horniness, whiten skin and improve dark and yellow tone.───卓越清透净白配方,柔和洁净肌肤,软化去除老化角质,美白肌肤,改善暗黄肤色。

When it dries you must re-fluff the hairs on your brush but it leaves them soft and clean.───当刷子晾干之后你要重新把毛抖松,但是它使刷毛很柔软干净。

This gentle and soap-free cleanser leaves skin feeling soft and clean.───这款温和无皂洁肤水能使肌肤感觉柔软清洁。

This is the best shampoo. It soaps up well. It leaves me hair feeling soft and clean. I can get by without using a conditioner.───这是一款最棒的洗头用品,它发泡好,让我的头发干净而柔软。我使用它以后不需要再使用护发素。
