Anduin sat there, frozen, for a long moment, his whole body numb, his life spinning away before his eyes.───安度因身体麻木,眼中的活力也消失了,呆呆的坐在那,很久很久。
While filming the scenes on the River Anduin, Orlando Bloom and John Rhys-Davies were swept out of their boats.───在拍摄安都因河的那个场景时,奥兰多·布鲁姆和约翰·里斯·戴维斯大模大样的从他们的船上走下来。
Anduin sat motionless, hearing nothing the general said, looking at the dying hulk of his father in disbelief.───安度因静止的坐着,没有在听将军说,不相信眼前的死去的笨重身躯是父亲。
And at the center of it all was Anduin, holding his father close while a vortex of infinite beauty danced between them.───安度因在那光芒的中心,抱着他的父亲,一个无以言表的美丽的漩涡在他们之间舞动。
Come, Anduin, we must get you to the safety of the keep. The heir apparent must be protected.───快来,安度因,我们必须让你回到安全的要塞,王储必须得到妥善保护。
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