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时间:2022-10-03 00:04:47 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2442字


Cap badge


帽徽───Cap badge


A bullet had hit his cap badge and had penetrated the front of his skull.───一颗子弹击中了他的帽徽并刺穿了他的头骨前部.

Accessories will include cap badge , collar badge, rank insignia badge , service badgearm badge, ribbon, etc.───帽徽, 领徽, 等级勋章,姓名牌, 军种章, 臂章等.

February 2005 genyidesign commissioned warship design for a 170 - ship logo, cap badge, and armband.───2005年2月00设计接受委托为170军舰设计了舰徽 、 帽徽 、 臂章.


February 2005 genyidesign commissioned warship design for a 170 - ship logo, cap badge, and armband.

The cap badge worn at the turn-of-the-century was a white metal normal light infantry stringed bugle-horn surmounted by a ducal coronet.

A piece of shrapnel had hit his cap badge and had penetrated the front of his skull.

Item 2 is the brass scroll which was once part of the Royal Warwickshire regiment's cap badge.