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时间:2022-10-02 12:01:44 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2487字


She is riding a horse


骑马───riding;正在───In progress


Riding on a carousel makes you feel dizzy.───乘旋转木马使你头晕.

Dressed up as Father Christmas and accompanied by a'guard of honour'of six pretty girls, he set off down the main street of the city riding a baby elephant called Jumbo.───他扮成圣诞老人,在声个漂亮姑娘组成的 “ 仪仗队”的陪同下骑着一只叫江波的小象,沿着城里的主要街道出发了.

Her favourite sport is riding the breaker in.───她最喜欢的运动是冲浪.

The surfers were riding in towards the beach on the crests of the waves.───冲浪者们顺着浪头冲向岸边.

Should the weather be rough, we won't be able to go riding.───万一是狂风暴雨的天气, 我们就不能去骑马.

They take pleasure in riding , bike on their holidays.───在假日里, 他们以骑车为乐.

I don't care for riding on a bike very much; I'd rather go on foot.───我不太喜欢骑自行车, 宁愿步行.

Riding a bike is great exercise.───骑自行车是很好的锻炼。
