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时间:2022-10-02 08:03:12 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2780字


Do a good trick


把戏───cheap trick;精───essence


That was a cheap trick to play on her.───那样捉弄她是可耻的。

Pagination is a cheap trick, in my view, to artificially inflate page impressions.───分页在我看来就是个人为提高点击率的低级伎俩。

It's a cheap trick, but animal analogies are generally funny.───这是一种最简单的把戏,但是用动物类比通常也很有趣。

The thaumaturge 's cheap trick had been exposed , does the show must go on ?───当魔术师的把戏被拆穿之后,表演还将继续吗?。

It isn't really a principle; it's a cheap trick to justify what you already believe.───它并不是一个真正的原则,它是一种验证你已经相信事物的低廉把戏。

It's a (literally) cheap trick that only sounds impressive to people who don't know anything about budget realities.───这种不值钱的小把戏只能给那些预算实际情况一概不知的人们留下一些印象。


That was a cheap trick to play on her.

The policeman should have known better than to expect Duncan to fall for a cheap trick like that.

His taste was for David Bowie , Boston, and Cheap Trick.

Enjoy apple pie, Cheap Trick and soppy melancholy?

It was nothing but a cheap trick .