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时间:2022-10-02 00:03:19 作者:趣历史 字数:2435字


Ask him what he's doing


问问───pose a question;他───he


I want to pose a question from the Internet.───我代一个网友进行提问。

Let me pose a question.───让我提个问题。

Allow me to pose a question.───请允许我提一个问题。

Pose a question that's troubling you and see how your dream responds to it.───提出一直困扰你的问题,然后看看梦境是如何为你解答的。

When I pose a question about the upcoming game, he gets up and walks out the hotel door.───当我就接下来一场比赛提问时,他起身离开,走出了酒店大门。

He adds a comment to the requirements document, and then creates a discussion entry to pose a question.───他为需求文档添加注释,然后创建一个讨论条目以提出一个问题。


Allow me to pose a question.

Olajuwon stopped by to visit and pose a question: Could Pond help him get to college in the United States?