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时间:2022-10-01 12:00:50 作者:趣历史 字数:2824字


There is jade




As the economy in China is developing, China has been the biggest market of jadeite jade in the world.───随着中国经济的腾飞,中国已经成为全球最大的翡翠消费市场。

The identification of yellow jadeite , however , is a headache to the gemstone testing organizations.───而黄色翡翠鉴别是珠宝鉴定部门的难题.

There's huge gap of concept over jadeite that we are talking about.───还有巨大的差距超过翡翠的概念,我们正在谈论。

Jadeite is fine variety of jade coming from Burma, and is fine grained, hard and durable.───翡翠是一种美玉,产自缅甸.它质地细腻, 坚硬、耐久.

Wang , Chunyun, 1994 b , The problem of jadeite jade in China. Hong Kong Jewellery Vo .4 , No.64, pp .104 - 107.───张竹邦, 1993, 翡翠探秘—在中国云南腾冲. 云南科技出版社, 昆明.

This paper discusses the and the texture types of jadeite jade.───翡翠的结构是决定翡翠质量的重要因素.

Based on the investigation, inclusions in jadeite from Burma are divided into four types.───显微分析表明,缅甸硬玉中的包裹体分为4种类型:固体包裹体 、 流体包裹体、流体-熔融包裹体和熔融包裹体.

Jadeite jade consists of minerals of pyroxene, amphibole and feldspar groups.───翡翠由辉石族 、 角闪石族、长石族矿物组成.
