Image raising
提象───Image raising
of stroboscope photograph method and the computer graphics techniques, the leg raising straight sport image of the patient suffering from lumbago and leg pain is studied.───频闪摄影法,利用计算机图形图像处理技术和计算机绘图等方法,对腰腿痛患者的直腿抬高运动形象进行分析和研究。
There was a sign outside, with an image of Indira Gandhi raising her hand, and the slogan "Mother Indira will protect the poor."───外面有个标识牌,标识牌上刻着英蒂拉•甘地扬手示意的图像,和“英蒂拉母亲保护贫苦人民”的标语,成内亚不觉傻笑了起来。
of raising an image using an un-inked block or die on paper or board.───墨的电或模在纸品上压成凸纹效果的方法。
英语使用场景 b>