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时间:2022-10-01 00:03:31 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2394字


Soft fiber


纤软───Soft fiber


Use fabric with soft fiber when wiping the furniture in case of scratching on the surface.───抹布请选用纤维柔软的布料,以免刮花家具表面.

Wear rubber gloves and spray the all purpose detergent with a ratio of 1:40 onto the surface of special soft fiber clothe.───带上胶手套并在一块专用的软化纤布上喷上比例为1:40的全能清洁剂。

Glass scrubber, dry cloth, damp cloth, soft fiber cloth, special wiping cloth, all purpose detergent, rubber gloves, lavatory brush, special mop.───玻璃刮、干布、湿布、软化纤布、专用擦拭布、全能清洁剂、胶手套、厕所刷、专用地拖。

Hiro gives Baymax a carbon fiber suit of armor to protect his soft underbelly and creates an Iron Man-like power fist for him that can be launched at evil targets.───保护大白柔软的腹部,小宏为他制作了碳纤维铠甲,还为他创造了像钢铁侠一样的火箭拳套,能有效地攻击坏人。
