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时间:2022-09-30 20:00:53 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2669字


noisy and confused


杂───miscellaneous;嚣───Hustle and bustle


Housework is usually miscellaneous and toilsome.───家务劳动通常是繁杂的.

There are miscellaneous tools, pliers , putty knife, polarity stamps, battery stamping or coding equipment, lead cutters.───有各种工具 、 手钳 、 油灰刀, 极性印戮 、 电他标记打印或编号机 、 铅切刀.

The report was buried under miscellaneous papers.───那份报告被各种各样的文件所覆盖.

A discrepancy in the miscellaneous earnings column remains unaccounted for.───各项收入栏中的不吻合情况仍有待解释.

There are some miscellaneous bills on the table for you to look at.───桌上有很多生活杂费的帐单要给你看.

Perspiration is not only used to cure exterior syndrome, but also many kinds of miscellaneous diseases.───汗法在临床上不仅用于外感表证, 还用于多种杂病的治疗.

For miscellaneous some? N diamond ring price can since 4 breaks or does 5 break?───为什麽有些钻石戒指价格可以打4折或5折 呢 ?

Production: Mahjong tiles, plastic products, miscellaneous pieces of hardware, electrical accessories.───生产: 麻将牌 、 塑料制品 、 五金杂件 、 电器配件.
