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时间:2022-09-30 04:03:59 作者:语文迷 字数:3095字






A fragrant bouquet of lifted citrus with hints of capsicum and cut grass.───散发着柑橘的芳香与辣椒果实和青草的气息.

Capsicum red pigment is regarded as a kind of very useful nature pigment.───辣椒红色素是一种优质天然类胡萝卜素.

Powder: salt. granulated sugar. monosodium glutamate. malt dextrin. capsicum powder. spicy material. beef powder.───粉包: 食用盐. 白砂糖. 味精. 麦芽糊精. 辣椒粉.香辛料. 牛肉精粉.

Pineapple and passion fruit contribute the fruIt'salad impression joined by capsicum notes and lemon.───波萝及西番莲果等水果沙拉味伴随着辣椒及柠檬味.

Combination Of Capsicum And Prickly Ash Is A Perfect Encounter.───辣椒与花椒的组合,一场完美的邂逅.

Capsicum is usually used for seasoning of foods in people's life, and it has sanitarian effect.───辣椒是人们日常生活中常用的调味品, 具有保健功效.

Capsaicin is extracted from the powder of capsicum with microwave assisted, and acid the extraction solvent.───采用微波辅助提取方法, 以乙酸为提取剂从辣椒粉中提取辣椒素.

Capsaicin - the main acridity of capsicum.───辣椒素是辣椒的主要辛辣成分.


Tandoor tiger prawns, capsicum, onion, tomato.

Cut the duck meat, green and red capsicum into diamond shape, set aside . 2.

Minor ingredients : white radish, carrots, Capsicum frutescens respectively little.

The article studies processing technique of horsebean capsicum sauce.

Capsaicin - the main acridity of capsicum.