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时间:2022-09-30 00:03:21 作者:趣历史 字数:2629字


A bundle


俢束───A bundle


He confessed to having been a bundle of nerves.───他承认自己一直神经极度紧张。

Life at high school wasn't a bundle of laughs.───高中生活并不是充满了笑声。

Life at high school wasn't a bundle of laughs, either.───中学生活也不是充满欢笑。

The poor chap was a bundle of nerves at the interview.───这小子在面试时紧张极了.

She produced a bundle of notes and proceeded to count out one hundred and ninety-five pounds.───她拿出一捆钞票,接着数出了195英镑。

You can have it, but it'll cost you a bundle.───你可以买下它,不过你要花一大笔钱。

We collected a bundle of old clothes to be given to poor people.───我们收集了一包旧衣服给穷人.

He's not exactly a bundle of fun , ie an amusing person.───他不算是个十分有趣的人.


I saw the man dragging a bundle of firewood after him.

She tied the newspapers in a bundle.

He noticed what looked like a bundle of rags beside the road.

He's not exactly a bundle of laughs, is he?

College evening classes cost a bundle.