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时间:2022-09-30 00:01:32 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2706字


True meaning


真意───True meaning


So cherish every day and find the true meaning of the life!───珍惜每天和你发现的生命的意义吧!

At that time, I was searching for the true meaning of life.───那时候, 我苦苦追寻生命的意义究竟是什么.

In my eyes, these students totally misunderstand the true meaning of love.───我觉得这些人误解了爱的真正意义.

This is the true meaning of apartheid.───这是种族隔离的真正含意.

forget the true meaning of the holidays.───忘记假期的真正意义。

For a grander sight , the true meaning of a level.───欲穷千里目, 更上一层楼的真正含义.

What is the True Meaning of Immanuel?───以马内利的真意是什麽?

The true meaning of money yet remains to be popularly explained and comprehended.───关于金钱的真正意义,还有待人们的解释和理解.


What is the true meaning of manhood?

We seem to have forgotten the true meaning of Christmas.

The right legal answer, based on the true meaning of the Act, must be found and applied.

But the true meaning of the word entrepreneur is far broader.

We want children to remember the true meaning of Christmas.