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时间:2022-09-29 16:02:57 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2745字


Green curtain


青琐帏───Green curtain


This is the ivy the wind blew back," she took hold of the hanging green curtain.───这是被风吹开的常春藤。”她撩开挂着的绿帘。

The green curtain doesn't match the floor.───那翠绿色的窗帘和地板很不相配。

When all the officers were seated, he pulled the green curtain.───等到全体军官就座,他就拉上绿色的帘子。

But when he awoke next morning it was to the clanging of a bell, and the first thing his eyes saw was the green curtain of his cubicle.───然而第二天早晨,他依旧在丁丁当当的铃声中愕然醒来,首先跃入眼帘的还是他小卧室里的那幅绿色门帘。

Of that summer afternoon, I take you to walk into the green curtain of tall crops.───那个夏日的午后,我带你走进青纱帐。

So when you look behind the green curtain you notice a lack of ability to innovate and quality control problems.───所以当你看《绿幕背后》的时候,应当注意到创新能力的缺失和质量管理问题。


After microscope identification, containing a variety of quality-altered minerals, alteration to tetrahedrite screens petrochemical, green curtain of the main petrochemical and tremolite .