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时间:2022-09-29 12:02:41 作者:趣历史 字数:2551字


Tell sth. to sb




Tell me what really happened.───告诉我究竟发生了什么事。

We won't be able to tell what skills the man has until we try him out.───要等试用一个时期以后,我们才能知道这人有什么专长.

'I'll never smoke again!'' Yeah? Go tell that to the marines.'───“ 我再也不抽烟了! ” “ 是 吗 ?骗鬼去吧. ”

I didn't tell anyone, honestly!───我确实没告诉过任何人!

It's not your place to tell me how to do my job.───你没有义务教训我怎样干.

It was difficult to tell his exact age.───很难判断他到底多大岁数.

Guard the secret with your life, tell it to no one!───你要以生命来保守秘密, 不要告诉任何人.

I've got heaps to tell you.───我要告诉你很多很多事。


Tell the truth and shame the Devil.

Tell me thy company and I will tell thee what thou art.

I tell you hopeless grief is passionless.

He proceeded to tell me of my birth.

Would you tell me what the next stop is?